Europäisches Netzwerk

Spirituality and Gender - 2nd Vatican Council - Global Crisis - Social Europe - Africa - South America

Press release May, 2009

Some thirty delegates of member organisations of the European Network Church on the Move from ten European countries committed to putting into action the objectives of the 2nd Vatican Council met in London from 7th to 10th May to discuss the topic « Spirituality and Gender ». They agreed the following actions:

1. In the face of the global, economic, financial, social and ecological crisis which coincides with the general crisis of the patriarchal system, reflected also in the crisis of the Churches, we must build a new type of economic system to serve men, women and children, a transparent and ne is bound to set up a new model of economy in the service of children, men and women, a transparent financial order that questions the primacy of the principle of competition. On the eve of the elections to the European Parliament, the European Network addresses an appeal to the European Union to achieve a regulated world financial order and a Europe based on social interests. Its members commit themselves to address these problems to the political authorities of the European Union and to the authorities in their own countries. The Network will continue to mobilise public opinion in favour of an immigration policy of the European Union which respects the rights of immigrants and will continue to act in solidarity with them.

2. Within the framework of its activity with the institutions of the European Union as a conviction-based organisation, and by means of participatory status in the Council of Europe, the European Network Church on the Move commits itself to engage in an «open, transparent and regular» dialogue based on the democratic principles of the Lisbon Treaty, with the object of making the voice of grass roots Catholics heard since the COMECE, (the Technical Commission of European Union Episcopates) does not have the capacity to reflect the diversity of Catholic opinion. It will carry on its activity in the European Parliament All Party Working Group for the « Separation of Religion and Politics».

3. The project of a Council of the People of God (Council-50) will be carried on in coordination with the projects under way in other continents (Canada, USA, South America, Australia and elsewhere).

4. So that the peoples of the Southern countries rich in natural resources can benefit from them, the member groups of the Network are invited to join the coalition « Publish What You Pay » and support its committed activists in Africa and elsewhere.

5. The Bishops of Central America will be sent a letter calling on them to give first first priority in their pastoral work to the struggle for Gender Justice against violence to women and girls.

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The European Network Church on the Move is a spontaneous convergence of organizations – Associstions, communities, groups and informal networks of European, mainly Catholic, women and men who share:
- The vision of a prophetic, ecumenical, loving Church in solidarity with the underprivilged which neither excludes nor discriminates against any one and which walks in the path of Jesus, the liberator.
- The will to work for peace, justice, liberty, human rights and democracy, especially in the Catholic Church (Declaration of Rights and Liberties in the Catholic Church, 1994) whilst respecting religious and cultural diversity. The Network declares itself as belonging to the Catholic Church and enjoying liberty of association as legally defined by Canon 215 of the Catholic Church.

Pour un Autre Visage d'Eglise et de Société, Werkplaats voor Theologie en Maatschappij (BELGIUM); Emmaus Rychnov nad Kneznou, Ecclesia silentii-Praha-Communauté (Observer) (CZECH REPUBLIc); Església Plural (CATALONIA) ; Initiative Kirche von Unten, Initiative Christenrechte in der Kirche, Wir sind Kirche (GERMANY); Collectiu de Dones en Església, Corriente Somos Iglesia, Iglesia de base de Madrid (SPAIN); Droits et Libertés dans les Eglises, Femmes et Hommes en Eglise, Fédération des Réseaux du Parvis, Nous sommes aussi l' Eglise, Partenia 2000 (FRANCE); Bokor (HUNGARY); Brothers and Sisters in Christ (IRELAND); Noi siamo Chiesa (observateur) (ITALY); Mariënburg Vereniging,WRK, Kerk Hardop (NETHERLANDS); Wir sind Kirche (AUSTRIA); Somos lgreja (PORTUGAL); Katols vision (SWEDEN); Netzwerk Offene Kirche Schweiz (SWITZERLAND); Catholics for a Changing Church, Catholic Women's Network, St. Joan's International Alliance (GB-section), Catholic Women's Ordination, The Living Word Trust, We are Church (UNITED KlNGDOM); Catholics For Choice-Europe, European Federation of Married Catholic Priests EUROPE) Affiliated with: Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church; Call to Action, Catholic Organizations for Renewal (USA); Catholics For Choice (USA-INTERNATIONAL), International Federation for Renewed Catholic Ministry (INTERNATIONAL).

Zuletzt geändert am 28­.05.2009