9.6.2010 - kmov.com St. Louis

Quotations of the day

Associated Press

"BP is claiming they're capturing the majority of the flow, which I think is going to be proven wrong in short order. Why don't they show the American public the before-and-after shots? — Purdue University engineering professor Steve Wereley in a interview after scientists said that the amount of crude still escaping into the Gulf of Mexico may be considerably greater than what the government and the company have claimed.

"The worldwide shocking disclosures of sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church and its concealment for decades clearly shows the scandalous aberration that can be caused by a supervalued male priesthood with forced celibacy." — Angelica Fromm, a representative of We are Church, in a statement as the clerical sex abuse crisis is energizing Roman Catholic dissidents who want to open up the priesthood to women and ditch celibacy requirements.

"The school has been watching Christopher since prior to the first incident. We remain concerned about the student's anger toward students and staff." — Connetquot High School Superintendent Alan Groveman after a teenager plotted with another to pull off a Columbine-style attack on his former high school — the second time in three years he has been accused of such a plot.

Zuletzt geändert am 11­.06.2010