26.09.2006 - Katolsk Vision (Sweden)

Nordic turned European

A Nordic meeting for renewal movements affiliated to the International Movement We are Church

An intended Nordic conference turned into a European one when Katolsk Vision invited participants to discussions in Uppsala, Sweden, during two days on 23 and 24 September 2006 on the subject "Participation and co-responsibility".
Christian Weisner from the German network "Wir sind Kirche" and Baby Johannessen from the Norwegian organisation "Også vi er Kirken" were the main speakers. Weisner dealt with the world-wide reform movement Wir sind Kirche/We are Church, which acts in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, and offered some thoughts on what can be expected during the pontificate of Benedict XVI. Johannessen offered a broad survey of the developments after the Council and summarised the challenges facing the Catholic Church.

In addition, there were short reports on the state of the particular churches from Ireland, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The conference yielded the concrete result that it was agreed to reconvene, this time in Norway. The participants resolved to issue invitations to the various national conferences they will organise. Katolsk Vision expects to organise one conference a year. For more information, please contact Mr. Gert Gelotte at gertgelotte@hotmail.com
> Programme of the Nordic Meeting

Zuletzt geändert am 04­.11.2006