26.10.2021 - CNN Bericht

A woman pope? Meet the feminists trying to save the Catholic Church

Ausführlicher Foto-Bericht über (von Wir sind Kirche unterstützte) Aktionen von Maria 2.0 zur Herbstvollversammlung der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz 20.bis 23. September 2021 in Fulda, auch mit Zitaten von Angelika Fromm (Aktion "Lila Stola" und Frauen in der KirchenVolksBewegung).


“People were very angry,” says Angelika Fromm, a 70-year-old Maria 2.0 member, of the scandals. “And a lot of people have left the church because of this.”

She is one of roughly 200 demonstrators who gathered in Fulda last month, zipping around the picturesque town in her mobility scooter handing out whistles and flyers.

It was the third time the group protested here; winding their way around cobblestone streets to the magnificent cathedral where dozens of bishops from across the country had gathered for the German Bishops’ Conference.


Each woman has her own reasons for joining the movement. Some, like Fromm, are long-time campaigners for gender equality in the church.

The soft-spoken activist was born in 1951, into a deeply Catholic family in the former communist German Democratic Republic, where religion was repressed.

Her family later fled to the then West Germany. At the age of 20, Fromm married a former priest and had three children. The couple are now divorced.

> Foto mit Wir sind Kirche-Fahne

Fromm says she “nearly lost my faith” in the 1970s after hearing stories of women getting pregnant by priests and being forced to travel abroad for abortions. But she continued studying feminist theology, and in the 1990s co-founded the group Women’s Ordination Worldwide.

Now diagnosed with cancer and barely able to walk, Fromm says: “I don’t think I will live to see change.”



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