23.6.2018 - onepeterfive.com
Cdl. Brandmüller Sets Record Straight Concerning the German Intercommunion Handout
Maike Hickson
In light of the 21 June remarks by Pope Francis concerning the German intercommunion handout allowing some Protestant spouses of Catholics to receive Holy Communion, Cardinal Brandmüller reminds Catholics now of the fundamental principles involved in this matter. He reminds us that there are only few cases of dire emergency where Christians of the Eastern Orthodox Church may receive Holy Communion. He also says: “Only the truth makes us free.”
OnePeterFive reached out to Christian Weisner, the press speaker of the German progressivist group Wir sind Kirche (“We are Church”), asking him for a comment on the recent papal statement. He now says that, “even though the oral statements of the Pope on the flight back [to Rome] are not absolutely clear,” they still make it clear that Pope Francis “fundamentally approves of the initiative for a regulation of Holy Communion for couples in mixed marriages.” Weisner says this “pleases me” and he sees that in the future, “instead of a handout for all dioceses,” “there will be a common guideline which then has to be enforced and put into practice by each local bishop.” In conclusion, Weisner states that “many irritations of the last weeks could have been avoided if the internal letter of the Prefect for the Faith [Archbishop Ladaria] would have been formulated differently and especially if it had not been put into the hands of certain media circles [which published the letter].” He now hopes that the German bishops “if possible immediately” come to an “unanimous action, if they do not wish to lose more of their reputation.”
The German bishops will meet, on Monday and Tuesday next week, for their regular meeting of the Permanent Council. We shall then hear what they themselves have to say about the future and nature of their own purportedly pastoral intercommunion handout.
So, in light of all these confusing messages coming to us from the Pope, we will now have to wait for another clarification from the Vatican as to what the Pope really meant to say and what Canon Law – in the view of Tradition – really has to say.
This post has been updated by adding the comments of Christian Weisner.
Zuletzt geändert am 26.06.2018