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Veröffentlicht am 03­.02.2022

3.2.2022 - ucanews.com

German Synodal Assembly opens with calls for change, but some object

The third German Synodal Assembly spent hours discussing church issues and, by the end of its first day, adopted two texts that delegates hope will bring change and more democracy to the church. A vote on the election of bishops was delayed until the second day of the Feb. 3-5 meeting in Frankfurt.


Christian Weisner, spokesman for the grassroots movement We Are Church, told Catholic News Service after the first day that even more than the two-thirds majorities reached to pass certain items, "the theological justifications developed show what an important stage the Synodal Path in Germany has now reached on the way to becoming a church that is both growing together in community and being renewed."


Zuletzt geändert am 04­.02.2022