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The Pope’s Announcements concerning Ecumenism must be followed by consequences and success

Press release 10.09.2006

“We are church” Germany : The Pope’s Announcements concerning Ecumenism must be followed by consequences and success. Expectations for the following days. Refused dialogue with the International Movement “We are Church”.

The Catholic reform movement “We are Church” welcomes the very clear words particularly concerning Ecumenism said by Germany's head of state President Dr. Horst KOEHLER, a Protestant Christian, in his address of welcome at Pope Benedict’s arrival in Munich.

But, “We are Church” says, if the spontaneous answer of the Pope who said that he will strive with “heart and intellect” “that we will come together”, wouldn’t be followed by concrete consequences and success, the people who welcomed the Pope so enthusiastically in his homeland, will be very disappointed. Already with his assumption of office Pope Benedict had announced concretely visible indications of Ecumenism.

In view of the Second Ecumenical Church Convention that will take place in Munich in 2010 the catholic reform movement “We are Church” welcomes likewise the announcement of the Protestant Bavarian Bishop Dr. Johannes Friedrich. Friedrich said that he will ask the Pope to encourage the Catholic bishops in Germany to find regulations for married couples of different denominations so that they could share the Holy Common respective the Lord’s Supper together.


The following days of his visit to Germany will show, whether Pope Benedict XVI, the former German progressive theologian of the Second Vatican Council, Joseph Ratzinger, who also was responsible for the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith for more than 23 years, will bring concrete signs of hope particularly for women, for the youth and for the lay people.

In view of the disastrous conflicts in his home diocese of Regensburg it will be most important what the Pope will say about the apostolic task of lay people in the church and in the world.“We are Church” hopes that Pope Benedict will be able to contribute to settle the conflict between the bishop of Regensburg Dr. Gerhard Ludwig Mueller and the laypeople in that diocese. “Pontifex Maximus” – that means “supreme bridge builder” - is one of the titles of the bishop of Rome.

Refused dialogue with the International Movement “We are Church”

After the election of Pope Benedict the International Movement “We are Church” wrote a letter to the Pope and wished him God’s Blessing and at the same time asked for discussion. This letter is not answered from Rome until now. On the renewed request in this year the Apostolic Nunciature in Berlin/Germany by order of the Secretary of State in Rome wrote “that unfortunately your request can not be satisfied. You and the other members can lead a constructive dialogue about the current questions and problems in the church with the bishops and priests of the responsible dioceses and parishes at any time.”

Zuletzt geändert am 23­.10.2006