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Veröffentlicht am 19­.11.2024

2. Konzilsversammlung 16. Nov. 2024 in Stuttgart


„Mit brennnender UnGeduld“

Zweite Konzilsversammlung am 16. November 2024, 14.30 Uhr - 18.30 Uhr in Stuttgart
Mehr als 150 Teilnehmenden aus den Kirchengemeinden der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart und anderen Diözesen haben an der 2. Stuttgarter Konzilsversammlung am 16. November 2024 in Stuttgart im Haus der Katholischen Kirche teilgenommen. Drei Wochen nach Abschluss der Weltsynode wurde ein erstes Fazit gezogen und wurden konkrete Handlungsoptionen ausgelotet. Mit dabei waren Kirchenrechtler Prof. Dr. Thomas Schüller (Münster), Domkapitular Dr. Johannes zu Eltz (Frankfurt/Bistum Limburg) und Claudia Schmidt, Geistliche Beirätin des KDFB Rottenburg-Stuttgart. Moderation: Frau Dr. Verena Wodtke-Werner, Leiterin der Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart.

Der Postsynodale Aufruf des Kirchenvolks „Mit brennnender UnGeduld“ wurde einstimmig (ohne Gegenstimmen und Enthaltungen)
verabschiedet. Die zweite Konzilsversammlung war eine Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung von pro concilio e.V., Wir sind Kirche und AGR – Aktionsgemeinschaft Rottenburg von Priestern und Diakonen.

> Bericht: Stuttgarter Konzilsversammlung beschließt Postsynodalen Aufruf    
> englisch

> "Mit brennender UnGeduld." Postsynodaler Aufruf des Kirchenvolks    
> englisch

> Presse-Echo Stuttgarter Zeitung 15.11.2024

> Presse-Echo KNA/Domradio 17.11.2024

> Presse-Echo KNA aktuell 18.11.2024

> Video " Die lange Bank im Vatikan" (4 Min.)    
> Karaoke-Version mit Text zum Mitsingen






Aktionsgemeinschaft Rottenburg


Stuttgart Council assembly adopts post-synodal appeal

The more than 150 participants from the parishes of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart and other dioceses unanimously (without any votes against or abstentions) adopted the Post-Synodal Appeal of the People of God at the 2nd Stuttgart Council Assembly on November 16, 2024.

The final document of the 2021-2024 World Synod in Rome calls for greater involvement of the laity and an expansion of the powers of the local churches, while retaining the strong position and, in particular, the sole decision-making power of the bishops. Important concrete topics such as the blessing of homosexual or remarried couples, the abolition of compulsory celibacy and access to all ordained ministries regardless of gender, sexual orientation and lifestyle were not addressed at the World Synod. The question of whether women can be ordained as deacons was at least left open, which disappointed many.

The participants of the 2nd Council Assembly were unanimous: these topics must not be put on the back burner. If they have not been dealt with at world church level, they must be tackled in the dioceses and parishes. On behalf of the organizers, Dr. Martin Schockenhoff pointed out that, according to the Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, Dr. Georg Bätzing, 95 percent of German Catholics expect reforms. Therefore, reforms should not fail because of the remaining 5 percent and the resistance of a few bishops who are unwilling to reform.

The Münster canon law expert Prof. Dr. Thomas Schüller, the Limburg cathedral chaplain and Frankfurt cathedral priest Dr. Johannes zu Eltz and the spiritual advisor of the Catholic German Women's Association in the diocese, Ms Claudia Schmidt, analyzed the options for action for local churches, dioceses and parishes at the meeting. The highly committed discussion was moderated by Dr. Verena Wodtke-Werner, Director of the Academy of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart.

Dr. zu Eltz pointed out that the reform movements must enter into dialogue with all bishops, including those who have so far been reluctant to reform. And if the German bishops wanted to be heard in Rome, they would have to join forces with other European bishops. Isolated proposals from Germany would not be listened to in Rome.

Ms. Claudia Schmidt described in clear terms the disappointment of women about the outcome of the World Synod and the Pope's attitude towards the role of women, which he had recently expressed in interviews in the USA and Belgium. Many women would turn away. This is a painful process because it is associated with the loss of a spiritual home. Therefore, despite everything, we must fight for reforms, but not for the sake of reforms, but because without reforms there can no longer be a viable community of faith within the church.

Prof. Dr. Schüller explained that important reform issues would not be possible without changes to current church law. The prospects for this are not favorable, especially in the current global church constellation. However, there are topics such as the diaconate of women that could possibly be implemented in the local church.

In the very lively discussion, the participants expressed their lack of understanding, their frustration and, in some cases, their indignation at the course and outcome of the World Synod, but also their determination to continue despite everything. The Post-Synodal Appeal of the People of the Church was adopted unanimously. It is addressed to the bishops, priests and all believers who wish to continue their commitment. The initiators - the Initiative pro concilio e.V./ Konzil von unten, the AGR Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rot-tenburg and Wir sind Kirche - are determined to pursue the reform agenda. They will support the bishops and synodal bodies at all levels, but will also demand courageous decisions from them and resolute use of the opportunities for action that already exist.


Translation of the Post-Synodal Appeal of the People of God


With Burning ImPatience

Post-Synodal Appeal of the People of God


The World Synod dealt with important reform topics, but also omitted important ones: priestly life forms, queer people, the ordination of women and dealing with abuse. However, the delegates decided by a large majority and with the Pope's approval that the local churches should be granted more powers and the laity greater rights of participation. This must be used in Germany if the Church is to retain its credibility and motivate the faithful to become involved.

For this reason, the Synodal Committee and all church levels in Germany must tackle the open issues in synodal fraternity:


1. The topic of women’s ordination must be moved from the long bench to the top of the agenda because of the same baptismal dignity

- The World Synod expressly left this topic open. The door must not be closed again.

- The German bishops must immediately and proactively lobby the Pope for the diaconate of women in order to implement the decision of the Synodal Path of March 11, 2023 (women in sacramental ministries).

- Opening up the priestly and episcopal ministry to women remains our goal.


2. Leadership roles for all the baptized

All suitable believers, regardless of gender, sexual orientation and lifestyle, are to be assigned leadership tasks that are currently still carried out by priests. This also applies to parish leadership and ordinariates.


3. Clear rules of competence

- At diocesan level, the competencies of the participative bodies on the one hand and the bishop or pastor on the other must be clearly regulated and delineated. The Rottenburg model must be further developed accordingly.

- In particular, the issues in which the pastor has the right to object to majority decisions of the responsible body (deanery council, parish council) must be formulated more clearly. After an objection and further consultation, a vote must be taken again and then always with final effect.


4. Creating election regulations for bishop elections

- The Synodal Path has adopted an action text and a resolution on the participation of lay people in episcopal elections.

- The diocesan electoral regulations must be adapted immediately so that they correspond to the resolution and text of the Synodal Path on episcopal elections.


5. Blessing of same-sex and divorced couples

- We are delighted and grateful that the Pope has permitted the blessing of same-sex couples.

- Couples who are currently unable to marry should also be allowed to be blessed.

- The bishops should immediately present recommendations for dignified blessing ceremonies - not just "in passing" - in and outside church buildings.


6. Open ministries to all believers and voluntary celibacy

We continue to demand that all believers, regardless of gender, sexual orientation and lifestyle, must have access to all ordained ministries.


7. Creating facts instead of waiting forever

- Reforms that are not prohibited by canon law must be decided and implemented with strength and courage.

- The Synodal Committee must continue its work and put the reform issues on the agenda.

- Opposition from Rome or from ministers is no reason to abandon reforms that are not prohibited by canon law.


This Post-Synodal Appeal is addressed to all decision-makers - bishops, priests and laity - and to all the faithful who are committed despite everything. We support them and fight with them for reform - with burning impatience.


Stuttgart, November 16, 2024


For the Council Assembly


Martin Schockenhoff / Birgit Kälberer, Initiative pro concilio e.V.     

Konrad Mundo, We are Church

Winfried Döneke, AGR


Einladung zur 2. Konzilsversammlung

> Pressemitteilung 5. November 2024

> Einladung (PDF)

Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung von pro concilio e.V./Wir sind Kirche und AGR – Aktionsgemeinschaft Rottenburg von Priestern und Diakonen.

Noch wissen wir nicht, was die 2. Sitzungsperiode der Weltsynode im Oktober 2024 bringen wird. Kommen die drängenden Themen überhaupt auf den Tisch? Wenn ja – führen sie zu mutigen Beschlüssen? Was bedeutet dies für den Synodalen Weg in Deutschland?  

Wir blicken mit Bangen, aber auch Hoffnung auf Rom – und darüber hinaus. Ganz egal, was in Rom beschlossen oder nicht beschlossen wird – es muss weitergehen.

  • Wenn in Rom Reformen angestoßen werden, geht es um deren Umsetzung in den Diözesen – auch in unseren!
  • Wenn Rom keine Fortschritte bringt, sind die Ortskirchen erst recht gefragt. Rom hat die Erlaubnis erteilt, dass der synodale Prozess in Deutschland fortgesetzt werden darf. Er wird dann um so wichtiger.

Damit ist klar: Die Reformthemen – darunter Gleichberechtigung, Mitbestimmung, Frauenordination, Lebensform der Priester, zeitgemäße Formen der Verkündigung – müssen in Deutschland angegangen werden, gemeinsam mit und in synodaler Verbundenheit mit den Bischöfen. Am 16. November 2024 wollen wir ein erstes Fazit nach Abschluss der Weltsynode ziehen und konkrete Handlungsoptionen ausloten. Mit dabei sind Kirchenrechtler Prof. Dr. Thomas Schüller (Münster), Domkapitular Dr. Johannes zu Eltz (Frankfurt/Bistum Limburg) und Claudia Schmidt, Geistliche Beirätin des KDFB Rottenburg-Stuttgart. Moderation: Frau Dr. Verena Wodtke-Werner, Leiterin der Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme an der Konzilsversammlung!

Mit synodalen Grüßen

Martin Schockenhoff, pro concilio e.V.    

Lioba Hochstrat und Konrad Mundo, Bundesteam Wir sind Kirche

Winfried Döneke, Aktionsgemeinschaft Rottenburg (AGR)

> Pressemitteilung 5. November 2024

> Einladung (PDF)

> Anmeldeformular oder formlose Anmeldemail ab konzil-von-unten@gmx.de






Zuletzt geändert am 20­.11.2024