Wir sind Kirche-Info Frühjahr 2025
30 lange Jahre Wir sind Kirche
Das Wir sind Kirche-Frühjahrs-Info trägt den Titel „30 lange Jahre Wir sind Kirche“.
Das Editorial „Wider die zerstörenden Zeitgeister!“ (> englische Übersetzung des Editorials) stellt der kritischen Zeitanalyse der philippinischen Friedensnobelpreisträgerin Maria Angelina Ressa als prophetische Zeichen und Handlungsweisen die Synodalität und Eigenverantwortung gegenüber. Auf Seite 2 wird gezeigt, dass mehr als 100 Tage nach Beendigung der Weltsynode in Rom es jetzt Aufgabe der Ortskirchen ist, unverzüglich konkrete Reformen umzusetzen. Berichtet wird auch über die Zweite Konzilsversammlung in Stuttgart.
Schwerpunkt auf Seite 3 ist „15 Jahre Aufdeckung am Canisius-Kolleg“ mit aktuellen Petitionen dazu. Weitere Themen: Kleine Kirchenreformgeschichte, Zwölf Jahre Papst Franziskus, Hoffnung auf „Ostern für alle“, Petition zum Heiligen Jahr 2025, Catholic Women Strike, unsere Online-Angebote, Aufruf zur Bundestagswahl, Evangelischer Kirchentag 2025 in Hannover, 100. Geburtstag Ernesto Cardenal und neue Bücher von Gerhard Mester.
- Einladung zur Online-Bundesversammlung am 8. März 2025 > Link
- SAVE THE DATE: Bundesversammlung „30 Jahre Wir sind Kirche“ vom 7. bis 9. November 2025 in Nürnberg
- Terminvorschau 2025
Wir sind Kirche-Frühjahrs-Info 2025 (PDF 6 Seiten)
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Ein herzlicher Dank:
Wir sagen danke, dass Sie seit dem KirchenVolksBegehren im Jahr 1995, also seit 30 Jahren, unser Engagement für eine grundlegende Erneuerung der römisch-katholischen Kirche unterstützen. Manche sagen, der Synodale Weg in Deutschland und auch die Weltsynode sind nicht zuletzt der Beharrlichkeit der KirchenVolksBewegung Wir sind Kirche zu verdanken.
Die Spenden an Wir sind Kirche sind steuerlich absetzbar.
Englische Übersetzung der Seite 1 des gelben vierseitigen Info-Blattes:
Against the destructive zeitgeists!
We don't feel like celebrating in the face of right-wing populist movements in many countries. We live in a time in which hatred, exclusion and right-wing extremist groups are becoming a danger to our democracy. Some see Trump's re-election as a triumph for the patriarchy supported by the super-rich. Where is the democratically negotiated political action that includes and respects women's rights and also minorities?
A few days ago, the Filipino journalist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Angelita Ressa presented the following analysis of the times to media people in the Vatican: 71 percent of the world's population is ruled - and the trend is increasing - by autocrats who are democratically elected but act anti-democratically. New technologies insidiously manipulate the roots of our democracies. “Social” media has gone from being a communication network to a means of mass manipulation. They make money out of anger and hatred and polarize entire societies. Social isolation also weakens our critical thinking and our empathy.
Wars are fought with missiles and tanks, but also with algorithms, disinformation and the systematic destruction of the truth and our community of trust. The ethical rule “Don’t do to anyone else what you don’t want someone to do to you” no longer applies. Online violence leads to real-world violence, and they all reinforce each other, says Maria Angelina Ressa.
She sees two major fault lines in many societies that are being torn apart regardless of country and culture: growing misogyny and increasing xenophobia. Uncontrolled and uncontrollable power is increasingly resembling a cult.
In view of these new, destructive zeitgeists all over the world, which fundamentally contradict the message of Jesus, our faith and the churches are challenged. Formally the Roman Catholic. Church is still an absolutist monarchy. But she is changing.
The rediscovery of synodality and personal responsibility (subsidiarity) by Pope Francis are strong prophetic signs and courses of action in view of the dangerous growth of autocratic power systems in the political world.
Synodality can be a much stronger instrument than we have previously appreciated. Synodal action could be much more helpful in a damaged and suffering democracy than constantly harping on against each other. Listening, perceiving nuances and other positions is strenuous and time-consuming, but it ultimately leads to the goal faster and fairer than quick decisions.
But this requires a change in mentality towards more dialogue and participation. Here the synodal processes in Germany as well as in the universal church – difficult as they are – can be exemplary. At a time of political upheaval in which authorities, especially authorities from above, are no longer easily accepted, church synodality could motivate and stimulate democrats worldwide.
Democracy comes from the people – in the church we speak of the “people of God”. In a democracy, decisions are prepared through debates – in synodal processes, through listening. This is where the subtle difference lies. While in democracy the simple majority decides, in synodal decision-making processes the largest possible majority is sought, where the Spirit of God wants to lead the community. For this we need strategic hope, sustainable confidence and a progressive, positive narrative.
We Are Church – German federal team
Sigrid Grabmeier
Lioba Hochstrat
Susanne Ludewig
Heinrich Mix
Konrad Mundo
Christian Weisner
Zuletzt geändert am 17.02.2025