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Veröffentlicht am 14­.10.2015

14. Oktober 2015

100. Geburtstag von Kardinal Capovilla, Sekretär von Johannes XXIII.

Cardinal Capovilla is a great person in the history of the Council

Telegram to Don Loris Capovilla Sotto Il Monte-Bergamo

Dear Father Loris,

For your one hundred years I communicate the warm friendship and deep affection of the international movement We Are Church and of the movement Noi Siamo Chiesa Thank you for all you did for the Church in the spirit of the Gospel and of the Council especially collaborating with Pope John.

A fraternal embrace

Vittorio Bellavite (National Spokeperson of Noi Siamo Chiesa)

Rome, 14 october 2015


Zuletzt geändert am 16­.10.2015